Phishing threat to global economy
“Hi your mobile number has won in lottery prize, you
won $200000 please send your bank a/c
details, your address & deposit some amount to some xxx a/c to get the
prize money “. Sometimes you might have received these types of sms or e-mails
if you believe this & if you had send your personal details to them means
you are in the phishing bone.
What is this phishing?

Phishing is a way of cheating
users through sending fake emails or sms. Phishing is a criminal activity that
attempts to get users or customers sensitive personal details/information in a
fraudulent way.
Normally these sms & emails are send in
the name of bank or finance institution which are legally existed by creating
fake websites of those institution and requesting users to login for the links
that have been sent and asking them to enter their personal details like bank
account number, passwords, address & finally asking you to deposit some
amount to the a/c mentioned or to send the money to address mentioned in the
website. Many were cheated like these & you might be one of them. There are
many such groups which are involved in phishing around the world. Through
phishing cheaters may use your personal details for fraud purpose, there may be
chance of transactions through your bank a/c under your name without your
Phishing and vishing (voice
email, VOIP/voice over IP) through cellular telephone are resulting in large
number of cyber-crimes globally. There is an estimation that in 2015 3 trillion
dollars (nearly 200 lakh crore) loss globally through phishing. This may reach
to 6 trillion dollars at the end of 2020. If you believe it or not everyday 294
billion of emails are forwarding & 90% of these are fake emails. Up to now
nearly 30 million phishing crimes were reported and 88% of these cyber-attacks
were done after clicking links by users or customers. For every second nearly
12 people were affected by online cybercrimes globally and out of them 5% are
Indians. India lost nearly 6 billion in 2015 through phishing & other types
of cyber-crimes. India ranked 4th place globally in the list of the
countries that were affected by cyber-crimes.
Banking & Finance were
the major sectors affected by phishing, nearly 40% of cyber-crimes are done in
these sector. In 2014 cyber-attacks on banking and finance increased from 11 to
17%. In finance insurance is one of the
major field attacked by cyber-crimes. Though banks & insurance companies
are creating awareness regarding these cyber-crimes (phishing, vishing, fake
sms & emails) and implementing various protective measures to safeguard
users and customers. However if you do not follow those safety measures
government and regulation authorities cannot succeed in avoiding cyber-attacks.
You should think twice before
replying to emails or sms that asks you to send your sensitive personal details
like bank a/c number, password, address etc. everyone must go to the respective
branch or office to enquire the truthfulness of these messages and should get
further more details from the officers. Be cautious about these words like
‘verify’, ’Account process’, ‘update’ in the messages received which were sent
in the name of bank or finance institution.
Conclusion: Phishing &
and other types of cyber-crimes are becoming major global economic threats
faced by the world. Everyone should support each other and to reduce these
phishing or any other cyber-crimes as they can’t be eliminated completely.
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